The Implications for Hospital-Focused Physician Practice

In 1996, as the growth in managed care increased the role for general internists and hospitalist-reportprimary care physicians, the term “hospitalist” was coined by Drs. Robert Wachter and Lee Goldman in a New England Journal of Medicine article to describe “a new breed of physicians … who will be responsible for managing the care of hospitalized patients in the same way that primary care physicians are responsible for managing the care of outpatients.”

Many medical specialties are adopting a hospital-focused model of practice, and that trend is changing the essence of health care delivery in the inpatient setting. The nature of hospital-based medicine is evolving to include surgical hospitalists, neurological hospitalists, ob-gyn hospitalists, orthopedic hospitalists and others. To that end, the American Hospital Association’s Physician Leadership Forum (PLF) together with the Society of Hospital Medicine held a half-day session in July 2012 to better understand the impact of hospital-focused medicine on the delivery of care.

As a product of that session, the PLF has published a report summarizing the first 15 years of hospital medicine and how it is changing. The report also examines the rapidly increasing fields of specialty hospitalists, highlights the impact of hospital-based practice on the delivery of care and the bottom line, and discusses how hospital-focused physician practice can lead to better performance and safer hospital care.

Download the Report » (registration required)




Creating the Hospital of the Future:
The Implications for Hospital-Focused Physician Practice

Saturday, July 21, 2012 • 11:30am – 6:30pm

Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit • San Francisco, CA

The adoption of a hospital-focused model of practice by many medical specialties is changing the essence of care delivery in the inpatient setting. Join your physician and hospital CEO colleagues for this complimentary program to hear from some of the leading edge experts on the evolving nature of hospital-based medicine. This interactive half-day session will include a review of the changing face of hospital-based physician practice, a view from the CEO perspective on the impact of hospital-focused medicine on delivery of care and the bottom line, and how hospital-based practice can lead to better performance and safer hospital care. The session is structured to encourage networking and exchange of ideas among attendees, and will include presentations, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions.

The Hospital of the Future meeting is brought to you through collaboration between the American Hospital Association and the Society of Hospital Medicine and generously sponsored by Apogee Physicians, Delphi Healthcare Partners, and Eagle Hospital Physicians. Attendance is limited to ensure opportunity for dialogue.